Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Chapter 2: Gene Therapy and Cystic Fibrosis

What is Cystic Fibrosis?
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a hereditary disorder that affects the cells of the lungs, pancreas, and small intestines. This disease causes abnormal amounts of mucus to be secreted from these regions and usually results in coughing, poor digestion, and extremely higher risks of infection. If a patient goes untreated they will most likely develop lung infections that are fatal and more likely than not will not live past their late 20’s. Cells that are within the lung’s lining produce a lot more mucus because of a mutation found on chromosome 7 that is rightfully called the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator (CFTR) gene. This mutation is a deletion of an amino acid that completely changes the overall function of the gene.
Photo courtesy of the NIH

How can Gene Therapy help?
Cystic Fibrosis appears to be an excellent candidate for gene therapy because adding the gene that was deleted would most definitely fix the mucus production of the cells. So how do we do it? The first step is to find a vector to carry the normal gene into the body. By injecting the gene into a virus, the virus will be able to “infect” the cells with the correct gene and help control the mucus production.

Let’s do it!
This idea of gene therapy sounds so easy to accomplish, however, like anything else, it requires a lot of funding. Currently, there are patients and scientists undergoing clinical trials for this research but it is going much slower than anticipated. The idea of gene therapy is looking extremely promising and seems like a beneficial outcome of genetic engineering.


  1. It's really amazing how the scientists used the virus to correct genes by injecting them with the replacement gene. I would like to read more about it and how the Genetic Engineering can help us in too many different ways. thank you Bridget for bringing this up because 'Genetic Engineering' got my interest.

  2. I guess that we can treat many other diseases by using gene therapy. The idea of gene therapy sounds very cool and fast to treat diseases, however; I think that we need to do more studies on gene therapy just to avoid unexpected results. I'm excited to learn more about gene therapy and genetic engineering.
