Thursday, October 8, 2015

Chapter 4: The Possiblities for Gene Therapy in Patients with Haemophilia

A review written by The Cochrane Collaboration entitled, “Gene Therapy for Hemophilia” has some telling information in the pros and cons of what gene therapy has to offer the medical community as well as how a clinical trial should be set up. This review discusses how promising gene therapy is for people who are greatly affected by genetic diseases and how this could be used for things other than just hemophilia in the future. Hemophilia is a X-linked recessive gene where clotting factors are unable to function and excessive bleeding occurs in patients.
Something I found interesting was that the clinical trial that would be done for haemophilia would have a lot of cons. Unfortunately, because the gene therapy treatment is not being mass produced it is extremely expensive. In the case of those affected by haemophilia, the therapy would have to be administered every two to three days because of the short half-live of clotting factors in the blood. The price for treatment was not listed, but it can be assumed that at that rate, it would be extremely hard to keep purchasing injections for therapy. There were some interesting points brought up about the side effects of this therapy such as the fact that some patients’ might not adapt well because the treatment introduces new genes into a cell’s DNA which can cause some insert mutations and could leave the patient worse off perhaps giving them another genetic defect.
In contrast, there are an immense amount of opportunities that gene therapy could offer for those affected by genetic disorders. It is believed that if this therapy is successful many patients would have a lifelong cure and mortality rates would greatly decrease. Not only the patients would benefit but the researchers and medical physicians would as well. By gaining knowledge about how gene therapy is successful could help broaden the types of diseases that are treated.


Sharma A, Easow Mathew M, Sriganesh V, Neely JA, Kalipatnapu S. Gene therapy for haemophilia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD010822.
DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010822.pub2.


  1. surprisingly the therapy has a side effects and that would decrease the amount of patient that would take the treatment, beside extremely expensive cost of the treatment.

  2. I can imagine how expensive the price would be for patients with Hemophilia because they have to inject themselves every two or three days. Gene therapy is a very promising science idea which could improve health and economy.
